Newsgroup question


Joe Williams

First off, thanks to all who have responded to some of my questions, I have
found these newsgroups to be one of the best resources around.

Now, to my question :)

I am using outlook Express as the newsreader for these newgroups. I find it
difficult to find/maintain messages that I have posted, and I was wondering
if there are any other newsreaders that people are using that might have
more features, etc in this regard.

Secondly, the sheer volume of messages is overwhelming. I do not know how
anyone can keep up with them if you are in 5,6, or more newsgroups. Do you
read through all of the threads or just do some sort of search, etc. What is
your general process for reviewing and posting to the newsgroup. Thanks


Wayne Morgan

In OE, go to View|Current View|Show Replies to My Messages in the main OE
window. This will limit what you see to threads that you have posted
messages in.

As far as managing several newsgroups, it depends on how fast you can read.
For the most part, I just download the headers, scan them, and make a
decision from there.


I use the Watch column to keep track of my posts, or posts I have replied
to, and sort on that so they are at the top.

For new messages, I scan the posts that are unreplied to and see if it is in
my area of expertise/comfort/etc.

I clean them out periodically to only have 7 days worth of messages on my
system. This kills off watched threads that are inactive for the most part.

Kevin Hill
3NF Consulting

Tony Toews

Joe Williams said:
I am using outlook Express as the newsreader for these newgroups.

I use Agent by www.forteinc. I've been sitting in a coffee shop for
the past two hours without a mouse. Entirely navigating using the
keyboard. The keyboard commands take a bit of getting used to but are
quite logical. Ie I for Ignore, W for Watch, K for Keep, N for Next
and so froth.

I think I and W aren't available in Free Agent but that will give you
an idea if you like it or not.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

Joe Williams

Tony - side note - I am using your FE updater and it is awesome. It has
solved a lot of problems for me. Great job and thank you.

- joe

Tony Toews

Joe Williams said:
Tony - side note - I am using your FE updater and it is awesome. It has
solved a lot of problems for me. Great job and thank you.

Thanks, I appreciate the comments. Makes the effort worthwhile.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at

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