Newspaper page layout in browser


Adam Smith


I've been trying to figure out how the columnar newspaper page layout is
achieved in web pages, say at or . With the solid vertical & horizontal
delimiting lines (unlike the border="n" as in tables) solid colored
headlines background etc. It doesn't seem as if done with regular
tables, is it CSS-Based Tableless layouts, or just floating boxes ??


-- Adam --
Pl. Reply to Group


Adam Smith said:

I've been trying to figure out how the columnar newspaper page layout is
achieved in web pages, say at or . With the solid vertical & horizontal
delimiting lines (unlike the border="n" as in tables) solid colored
headlines background etc. It doesn't seem as if done with regular
tables, is it CSS-Based Tableless layouts, or just floating boxes ??

Honestly now, did you really think you'd get anything but drivel by posting
this to MS Publisher newsgroups?
Those folks have barely conquered the timetable for the short bus...

Karl Core

At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid.
Friedrich Nietzsche

eightninethree AT


Adam hmmmm talk about a rude, inconsiderate and lazy person cross posting to
so many newsgroups.

I was going to tell you how. Obviously with your attitude, you really have
no need or desire to really want this information.



EightNineThree star morons with low to negligible mental capacity like you
should not be allowed to have internet connections to annoy the average and
intelligent, or should be on a special network for mentally challenged and
mental defectives.


William Tasso

°°°MS°Publisher°°° said:
... or should be on a special network for
mentally challenged and mental defectives.

out of order, my friend. that sort of nonsense can only alienate you and
destroy the credibility of any other points you may wish to promote


William you are obviously a first week newbie on the scene.

Please stay in the kindergarten area of the Internet for the first few


Adam Smith

hmmmmmmmmm! you must be correct, a clear case of "The lights being on,
but nobody is at home". Your address says it all, at least you have
accomplished some level of literary skills.


°°°MS°Publisher°°° said:
Adam hmmmm talk about a rude, inconsiderate and lazy person cross posting to
so many newsgroups.

I was going to tell you how. Obviously with your attitude, you really have
no need or desire to really want this information.

When you've figured out how to quote the person you're responding to, we'll
let you back in the discussion.

Karl Core

At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid.
Friedrich Nietzsche

eightninethree AT


°°°MS°Publisher°°° said:
EightNineThree star morons with low to negligible mental capacity like you
should not be allowed to have internet connections to annoy the average and
intelligent, or should be on a special network for mentally challenged and
mental defectives.

Way to go there, Mr Run-on Sentence.
I found a good site for you.

Karl Core

At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid.
Friedrich Nietzsche

eightninethree AT


°°°MS°Publisher°°° said:
William you are obviously a first week newbie on the scene.

Please stay in the kindergarten area of the Internet for the first few

Indicator #1 that we're really dealing with a winner: Their only arguments
are moronic ad-hominem attacks.
I guess thats what happens when your screen name is "MS Publisher".

Karl Core

At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid.
Friedrich Nietzsche

eightninethree AT



Sorry that your question got lost in the noise. Looking at the source
code for the Netscape page, it seems that there is defined in the
stylesheet a class for the divisions that hold the lines of text. I
suppose that this class includes some border definitions.

I looked at the site you suggested, hoping to find there an example of
newspaper (balanced) columns, but no such luck. Anyone want to reveal
how one achieves that in CSS? That is, a body of text is distributed
among several columns so that the length of all the columns
automatically remains equal as the amount of text changes.



Sorry that your question got lost in the noise. Looking at the source
code for the Netscape page, it seems that there is defined in the
stylesheet a class for the divisions that hold the lines of text. I
suppose that this class includes some border definitions.

I looked at the site you suggested, hoping to find there an example of
newspaper (balanced) columns, but no such luck. Anyone want to reveal
how one achieves that in CSS? That is, a body of text is distributed
among several columns so that the length of all the columns
automatically remains equal as the amount of text changes.

Go look at Int'l Herald Tribune, e.g.
As you see from the source code, they're using some nifty javascript
that makes the columns flow as you change the browser window width/height.



Stan Brown, EightNineThree
Honestly now, did you really think you'd get anything but drivel by posting
this to MS Publisher newsgroups?
Those folks have barely conquered the timetable for the short bus..., EightNineThree
Indicator #1 that we're really dealing with a winner: Their only arguments
are moronic ad-hominem attacks.

A plague on both your houses. As Chateubriand said, "Cet animal est
très méchant: / Quand on l'attaque, il se défend."

Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Cortland County, New York, USA
HTML 4.01 spec:
CSS 2 spec:
2.1 changes:

Stan Brown,
Anyone want to reveal
how one achieves that in CSS? That is, a body of text is distributed
among several columns so that the length of all the columns
automatically remains equal as the amount of text chang

Can't be done in CSS1 or CSS2.

And it's a logical problem: Flowing newspaper columns in this way
makes sense only in media that have the concept of a "page", which
screens don't. Sure, there's a PageDown key, but there's also
scrolling by any amount, and even the window itself can be resized.

Stan Brown, Oak Road Systems, Cortland County, New York, USA
HTML 4.01 spec:
CSS 2 spec:
2.1 changes:

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