Adam Smith
I've been trying to figure out how the columnar newspaper page layout is
achieved in web pages, say at http://home.netscape.com/ or
http://home.netscape.com/ . With the solid vertical & horizontal
delimiting lines (unlike the border="n" as in tables) solid colored
headlines background etc. It doesn't seem as if done with regular
tables, is it CSS-Based Tableless layouts, or just floating boxes ??
-- Adam --
Pl. Reply to Group
I've been trying to figure out how the columnar newspaper page layout is
achieved in web pages, say at http://home.netscape.com/ or
http://home.netscape.com/ . With the solid vertical & horizontal
delimiting lines (unlike the border="n" as in tables) solid colored
headlines background etc. It doesn't seem as if done with regular
tables, is it CSS-Based Tableless layouts, or just floating boxes ??
-- Adam --
Pl. Reply to Group