NK2 File - Names Not Added



I've encountered an odd issue at my work that seems to affect only some
users. This issue seemed to begin ocurring after an upgrade to Office 2003.
Part of my responsibilities include supporting desktop applications, but
unfortunately, I have no control over the mail server or overall settings. I
don't think the Admin team is competent enough to find or care about the
resolution. But the issue is really bugging me, and a recent exchange
upgrade is bringing the issue back into my life.

Here are the symptoms that occur for an affected user (including me):

- An address does not exist in my (or another affected user's) NK2 file, so
it does not appear in the drop down as I type the person's name in the TO:

- I make a new e-mail message, and in the TO: field, either type the
person's name and find it in the GAL or type in the person's e-mail address.
When I send the e-mail, ideally, that name is supposed to be written to the
NK2 file, and should now appear in a drop down list if I were to create a new
e-mail and start to type their name. It does not work this way for an
affected user. Nothing is written to the nk2 file. I've checked starting
with a blank NK2 file and the file size never increases. I've also opened the
nk2 file in notepad and the file is blank.

- The odd part is that I've discovered a work around. If I create a
calendar appointment and invite the same user to the appoinment and send it
(or even if I cancel it), the name is then saved to the NK2 file, and will
now appear in the drop down list as as I type his/her name in a regular
e-mail message. This work around is sufficient for me, but a typical user is
not going to accept this.

So there it is. Anyone having problems getting their NK2 file to build up?
I highly suggest trying inviting users to a calendar appointment and seeing
if they are then available in a drop down when you create an e-mail message.
I am using Outlook 2003, Windows XP, on a Dell Optiplex GX290. Anyone have
any ideas?

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Issue is not odd at all. There are countless reasons why Outlook will fail
to write to its NK2 file, all of which have been posted here. Creating a new
profile fixes the majority of them. Figuring out why Outlook may not be
closing correctly fixes the rest. Try both. Post back if you still have

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