NK2 Utilities



This is not a major issue. It is more for curiosity but may be useful to
others that may read this question in the future.

I searched for Info about the NK2 file used for AutoContacts. I found the
following utility references:

(1) http://www.ingressor.com/desktop.htm @ $40.00. (Too much to spend
since my need does not justify such an expense.)

(2) http://www.nk2.info/. This is donation software but when I downloaded
it, I ended up with a .NK2 file of 41 entries. This does not seem accurate.
For example if I enter an R, my AutoComplete displays 9 entries. I am
running 2007 but the help file refers to 2003. For this reason, I believe
this software is not accurate for 2007. The site does not seem to support
any type of blog or FAQ.

Does anyone know of other utilities that address the .NK2 file that does not
cost $40.00?

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