No 24hr calendar in Project Server???


Matt Kennedy

I have a task in a project that I nned to set to run 24x7 (data migration
load into a new production system). I was expecting to use the standard 24
hour calendar that is normally available in project. If I don't connect to
the server and "work offline" I have that standard 24 hour calendar available
to me as a selection. If I connect to the server all I see is the Standard
calendar. I did have the server configured to not allow the use of local
calendars. I changed that so that local calendars are now allowed. Can anyone
tell me how/where to find the standard 24hr calendar?

I guess I could create my own local 24hr calendar at this point but I am not
sure what the settings need to be as follows: (does anyone know?)

1. Default start time (change start to 0:00am?
2 Default end time (change to 11:59pm?)
3. Hours per day (this is easy 24 right?)
4. Hour per week (again easy 168 right?)
5. Days per month (not sure here - this varies from 28 - 31?????)

Thanks for the help!

Matt Kennedy

Actually, the second part of this post was wrong. The options I am referring
to appear to affect all calendars rather than being calendar specific. Seems
that when creating a new calendar there are no calendar-wide settings. I'd
have to edit non-working/working time for every month manually. Ugg...

Dale Howard [MVP]

Matt --

Project Server 2003 ships with only one default calendar, which is the
Standard calendar. Therefore, you would need to create your own 24 hours
calendar in the Enterprise Global. Here's how:

1. Open the Enterprise Global for editing
2. Click Tools - Change Working Time
3. Click the New button
4. Select the "Create new base calendar" option
5. Name your calendar and then click OK
6. Select the row headers for Sunday through Saturday
7. Set both the From and To times to 12:00 AM
8. Click OK
9. Save and close the Enterprise Global
10. Exit and relaunch Microsoft Project Professional

Hope this helps.

Dale Howard [MVP]

Matt --

Create the 24 Hour calendar in the Enterprise Global using the steps I
specified in my previous post. Regarding #3-5 in your original post, those
settings are specific to every project and should only be changed if the
Project calendar for the project (click Project - Project Information) does
not show 8 hours of work per day. You do not need to set #3-5 in the
Enterprise Global file as it will have utterly no effect on anyone's
projects. Hope this helps.

Matt Kennedy

Dale, thanks! I assume by selecting the Sun through Sat row headers will
change the setting for all months even though when I do this I am only
looking at a single month? (Note to self - need to f/u w/Gary to get you out
here for that training :)

Dale Howard [MVP]

Matt --

Note to Matt - bring Dale to Boston to provide training! :)

When you select the Sunday through Saturday column headers, this selects
every day on the calendar until December 31, 2049. Hope this helps.

Matt Kennedy

Well hopefully new versions will fix that oversight. I'm planning to work
that day!

Dale Howard [MVP]

Matt --

Personally, I plan to take off December 31, 2049 and sun myself at
Clearwater Beach in Florida using my day pass from the nursing home! :)

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