No attachments from one domain


Steve Gould

I previously posted, but since I didn't get any responses and have more info
I thought I would repost.

Here is the issue. One of our members is in Canada. When any one of their
employees send email with attachments to one particular email address here
the attachments don't get through with the email. They can send to, or CC,
anyone else here and that person does get the attachments. This particular
company uses Exchange 5.5, but I am not sure which version of Outlook. We
use Exchange 2003 and Outlook 2003. I have verified that my users Outlook
does not have any rules set.

I'll call the problem email account "account A" and mine "account B". I can
log on to two machines side by side, one with Account A open in Outlook and
the other system logged into account B. The sender will send attachments to
both accounts using A in the To and B in the CC. Account B will get it the
attachments and B will not. I can forward the email and attachment from B to
A and it will arrive OK. It seems to be something going on in the Exchange
server for that one email box and only from that one particular sending

Can anyone point me in the right direction?



Add an test email account into your Outlook, such as a POP3 email account.

Then ask your colleauge to send email with attachemnt to this test account.
If success, it proves that the Exchange server's settings on your end need to
be modified.

Steve Gould

Thank you for your reply. Any other email account here can receive
attachments from the sending domain with the exception of the one account.
It does seem to me to be our Server, but I have looked and looked and can't
figure out what settings would be involved. This particular mail box can
receive attachments from any other source, just not that particular sender.

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