No Burning, just Solving



Okay, I am a Mac/Win/*nix user, I am also the Systems Admin for m
company. We have a windows infrastructure, because before OSX, man
people were windows users... We have WindowsS2K and Exchange2K. I
addition to this, we have a Blackberry Enterprise server with 45 user
on it.

Now however, I have 80 users on Entourage trying to get an accurat
representation of what his happening on Exchange. All 10 of my window
users are using Outlook 2003 because of ONE feature (the side by sid
calendar thing).

The problem is the Service Pack 2 implementation of WebDAV fo
Exchange. I hear endlessly about how slow Entourage and Outlook are.
have monitored the exchange servers every thread. We are on a Gigabi
network. There is no backend bottleneck.

So Entourage problems:
Reply All includes original Recipient (Entourage doesn't know aliases)
Checking email doesn’t work – mail comes on Entourage’s schedule
Entourage Calendar doesn’t seem to match blackberry (BB matches OWA).
Calendar updates are not reflected in update messages (but fine i
Deleted calendar meetings never go away (but fine in OWA)
Difficulty changing meetings
Only seeing used time blocks, not titles in Calendar
HTML/RTF formatting rather than plaintext and vice/versa (users -gah)
Multiple emails/invites when message is sent only once
Must click the check names for invitees (no auto LDAP query)
Must re-enter password over and over - restarting app helps
Clearing email address cache

I have had days where Entourage refuses to check mail, even afte
restarting the app, reinstalling the app. This the one that brings m
the most grief. I have 80 people who whole heartedly believe the serve
is broken. They have no faith in the calendar or email on thei
respective laptops. I am held accountable.

I have been an Exchange Admin for nearly 10 years now. I have supporte
thousands of users without a problem. Now, I am up against a wall.
tried getting them to go to Outlook 2001, a MAPI client that works 100
of the time with 100% functionality.

But they won't because its not pretty.


Allen Watson

I have been an Exchange Admin for nearly 10 years now. I have supported
thousands of users without a problem. Now, I am up against a wall. I
tried getting them to go to Outlook 2001, a MAPI client that works 100%
of the time with 100% functionality.

But they won't because its not pretty.


Hang in there; better days are coming.


That was cryptic.

Do you do instruction manuals as well?

Just kidding. I know that there is an Entourage update due any tim
now. I am also wondering if upgrading to Exchange 2003 (WebDAV and MAP
over http were the intended delivery method) would ease my users woes

Jon W

Robert - a concise account of everything I am experiencing. Fortunately
I dont have 80 entoruage clients or I would have lost the plot by now.
Full marks for persisitence!

Just in case your users need to see something ;-) IT'S THE SAME HERE

I am hoping your patience (requested by Allen) is worthwhile and its
the first time I've heard of an Entourage update in the pipeline. Are
we talking Longhorn timescales or is this indeed around the corner?

Finally, I am also interested in the comment regarding Exchange 2003
and whether this would resolve the issues.


FYI, Outlook 2003 while it does not have the problems Entourage suffers
does have significant performance issues.

This leads me to wonder if it isn't partially the implementation o
WebDAV offered by E2KSP2.


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