Hi Anon,
Yes, as Helmut wrote, you can define a range as being a column.
But aware that in actual fact, as Jezebel wrote previous to Helmut, your
range starts with the first character in the first cell of the selected
column and ends with the last character of the last cell in the selected
column, and it includes everything in between, i.e. all the cells between
these two points.
Try the following code on a 6x8 table to see the impact of the range object
applied to a column:
Dim r As Range
Set r = Selection.Range
Selection.HomeKey wdStory
r.Font.Bold = True
If it was necessary to bold only the selected "range", then you have to use
the selection object, as in:
Selection.Font.Bold = True
This is why you cannot assign a bookmark to a column and then do a
SUM(bookmark) and expect the right result if there are numbers in adjacent
cells. The column bookmark is like the range object.