no crop tool in outlook 2007?



In outlook 2003, I constantly use screenshot (Al+PrtSc) & paste to copy cad
drawing and general images into emails. I can still copy the screenshots, but
cant find any crop tool within the new 200 ribbon/toolbar. Any ideas pls?


Nicko said:
In outlook 2003, I constantly use screenshot (Al+PrtSc) & paste to
copy cad
drawing and general images into emails. I can still copy the
screenshots, but
cant find any crop tool within the new 200 ribbon/toolbar. Any ideas

Maybe Word (as Outlook's editor) would have what you want. Outlook is a
PIM that includes e-mail, and its e-mail is designed to just do e-mail,
not to be a graphics editor. Alternatively, you could get a program
that lets you specify exactly what part of the screen to capture rather
than the whole thing. Currently I have Clipmate which lets me do far
more with clips than Microsoft ever thought of, plus it lets me clip by
selection or by a particular window. Granted this isn't a fantastic
selection for selecting what to clip but it's enough for me, and if I
need more than I paste into a graphic editor.


Thanks vanguard, I use a different text editor. I take it that MS has
stripped the crop function off O2007 (i had hoped it was there but hard to

The Clipmate is a good idea, and I've found a free alternative version -
Clipmate seems v expensive for such a tiny program.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Do you have Word 2007 installed? If so, then the Crop tool should be on the right side of the ribbon's Picture Tools/Format tab, in the Size group.

However, even though the editor for Outlook 2007 is a version of Word 2007, there are a few features that are not available if you do not have Word 2007 also on the machine, this might be one you'll miss.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


in message
Thanks vanguard, I use a different text editor. I take it that MS has
stripped the crop function off O2007 (i had hoped it was there but
hard to

The Clipmate is a good idea, and I've found a free alternative
version -
Clipmate seems v expensive for such a tiny program.

I trialed lots of them but never found a clip manager with as many
features and storage as Clipmate. There was a freebie alternative
called ClipMagic but it crashed way too often (3 times per day on
average). ClipMagic also interferred with the underscore key (by
masking it out so you couldn't use it anymore). Another problem
reported by other users of ClipMagic was corruption of the database
which meant those users lots their store clips. They were working on
fixing the database problem when I last trialed ClipMagic back in
February. Having a huge store of clips can be helpful if you need to go
back to one or are clipping several items to then put into a document,
but the real advantage is the ability to create groups or folders of
clips to organize them. For example, you can have a group for Microsoft
KB articles (and subgroups based on product, too), a group for your
common or canned replies, and so on. Another is their Power Paste
feature where you can order the clips in a group and then paste them all
at once, or simply select which direction to go through the group of
clips and paste each one at a time. You can edit the clips and retitle
them to better identify them later. You can define rules to
automatically move new clips into particular groups. There are lots of
features that I haven't yet discovered plus many that I know of but
don't use.

I tried ClipMagic (free) but had to abandon it due to crashes, blocking
the underscore key (not immediately but eventually), and database
corruption. So I stayed with Clipmate which is only $20 (when I bought
it). There is the newer version 7 but I'm quite satisfied with my old
version 6. If I didn't already have ClipMate and if mjtnet fixed the
problems with ClipMagic then I'd be using ClipMagic. I don't remember
if ClipMagic includes screen capturing but if that was missing then
there are free screen capture utilities (which I'd check to see if they
worked with ClipMagic by saving the capture into ClipMagic instead of
into a separate cache of clips just within the screen capture utility).

Of course, this only covers clip managers which happen to have a screen
or window capture function. There are utilities that just do screen
capture, some of which are free, if that's all you want to do. The
screen capture in ClipMate was just added cream to the function that I
wanted: far superior clip managment.

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