This issue has to do with data types.
Nz() is a VBA function that returns a Variant. In VBA, a variant has a
subdata type (such as currency), but JET (the query engine in Access)
doesn't recognise that.
In part, that's because a VBA function could return a variant of different
subdata types in different rows of a query, whereas JET has to choose one
data type for the entire column. Therefore it makes the safest choice - Text
(or sometimes Binary.) Visually you can see JET treating it as Text as the
column is displayed left-aligned (like text), not right-aligned (like dates
or numbers.)
So, how to you avoid this?
Solution 1: Explicitly typecast the result back to currency:
CCur(Nz([A], 0))
Solution 2: Use IIf()
JET knows this function, and will examine the 2 options and determine the
data type correctly. You also use Is Null (which is part of the query
language) rather than IsNull() which is part of VBA. So:
IIf([A] Is Null, 0, [A])
The 2nd is a little more typing, but I expect it to be more efficient to
More info on data types in JET:
Calculated fields misinterpreted
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
NetworkTrade said:
found the cause, and am still baffled
the field in question is: Nz([A],0)
took out the Nz and it now has format properties in the report.....never
realized that Nz would do that....
NetworkTrade said:
Access2003 In report, two fields can not be made into currency format
because their format property has nothing in the drop down.... they
as a general number.
all the other fields are fine; their property format displays all the
choices when you look at the drop down.....
can't seem to find anything unique in the underlying source query that
cause this - am baffled.