No footnote tip displayed when cursor points at reference number



I have an existing document that I created with footnotes. Now (suddenly)
when I point the cursor at the footnote reference number by the text, the
footnote tip does not appear. What have I done to stop this display?

Stefan Blom

On the Tools menu, click Options. Click the View tab. Click to put a check
mark next to "ScreenTips", and click OK. Does that help?

Greg Maxey

Sometimes, and only sometimes, shifting to and from the Document Map
display (View>Document Map) will resolve this issue.

Mark D.

There were TWO suggestions made by two different respondents. Since you
didn't respond directly to the person who offered the suggestion that worked,
it would be helpful to other readers is you include which suggestion,
specifically, worked for you.



Are you having fun posting irrelevant scolding responses to messages
from months or years ago?

Mark D.

My posting is quiet points out a glaring omission of important
relevant information, the seeking of which is the primary reason we turn to
this forum....for help. My posting is intended to be a constructive comment
as to the importance about providing ACCRUATE information, especially when
one has found a solution. I'm sorry that you perceived it otherwise grammatim.


Oh, the irony.

Do you really think that "jenter" is going to look at a reply to a
thread s/he posted nearly three years ago, and from which s/he
received a satisfactory answer that same day?

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