no FP extensions with ISP



I am helping a friend learn how to manage her website with FP2000. It
is a free site with her ISP and doesn't support FP extensions, so I
realize that the files have to be ftp'd. Because you have to be
connected through this ISP to be able to access her directory, I can't
experiment with this and see what works, so I am asking a few
questions here.

I read in another thread that you can use the feature in frontpage. Does this mean that
you still go to "Publish", but in the address box she enters and a box will come up asking for her ID and

Can we use a FP theme in this situation as long as we don't use shared
borders or other FP components?

Would the following steps work:
-set up a new web on my computer
-import all her .htm and .jpg files, and work on the pages
-copy the whole web to a CD (or should I publish it, even though there
aren't any FP components?)
-she takes the CD home and imports this web into her FP2000 using the
Web Wizard
-she uploads it to her site through Publish-

I would appreciate any advice about this situation. I am used to
publishing to a website with its own domain name and FP extensions and
I have had quite a bit to figure out about doing it this way.

Bob Lehmann

But, don't forget - it also comes with free bad/no support.

Bob Lehmann

"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" <[email protected]>
wrote in message ....and free pop-ups too right?

| Free with FP ext;
| | > I am helping a friend learn how to manage her website with FP2000. It
| > is a free site with her ISP and doesn't support FP extensions, so I
| > realize that the files have to be ftp'd. Because you have to be
| > connected through this ISP to be able to access her directory, I can't
| > experiment with this and see what works, so I am asking a few
| > questions here.
| >
| > I read in another thread that you can use the
| > feature in frontpage. Does this mean that
| > you still go to "Publish", but in the address box she enters
| > and a box will come up asking for her ID and
| > password?
| >
| > Can we use a FP theme in this situation as long as we don't use shared
| > borders or other FP components?
| >
| > Would the following steps work:
| > -set up a new web on my computer
| > -import all her .htm and .jpg files, and work on the pages
| > -copy the whole web to a CD (or should I publish it, even though there
| > aren't any FP components?)
| > -she takes the CD home and imports this web into her FP2000 using the
| > Web Wizard
| > -she uploads it to her site through Publish-
| >
| > I would appreciate any advice about this situation. I am used to
| > publishing to a website with its own domain name and FP extensions and
| > I have had quite a bit to figure out about doing it this way.
| >
| > --
| > Nancy


N.Coffey said:

I almost said at the end of my original post "Please don't tell me to
go to another ISP", but I decided not to. Looks as if I should have.

My friend raises horses and dogs and has no interest in computers. She
got free space with her ISP, someone made her some web pages, and she
just wants to update them with the least amount of trouble. So Tripod
is not an option. I already thought of that.


You can use themes, shared borders, include pages and several other FP
You cannot use Forms[1] , Guestbook, Discussion Web or Hit-Counters.

To transfer the site to your friend, Zip the site (use WinZip or Windows
Explorer -> send to compressed folder in WinXP) and burn the zip file to CD.
Your friend will unzip the file to the hard disc. Using a zip file saves
problems with read only files.

[1] The host will probably have form handlers etc. your friend can use,
instead of using the FPextensions.


You can use themes, shared borders, include pages and several other FP
You cannot use Forms[1] , Guestbook, Discussion Web or Hit-Counters.

I didn't think I could use include pages, so this is good news. It
will save me a lot of typing.

P.S. Ron, you might be glad to know that I uninstalled Netscape 3 and
plan to install Firefox this weekend. If it works well, I might even
send them money. Thanks for the advice.



You're welcome.

And Firefox is brilliant.

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

N.Coffey said:
You can use themes, shared borders, include pages and several other FP
You cannot use Forms[1] , Guestbook, Discussion Web or Hit-Counters.

I didn't think I could use include pages, so this is good news. It
will save me a lot of typing.

P.S. Ron, you might be glad to know that I uninstalled Netscape 3 and
plan to install Firefox this weekend. If it works well, I might even
send them money. Thanks for the advice.



Are we sure about being able to use includes without FP extensions?

As far as I know, you need something to reduce the included file to the
inner HTML of the <body> tags, and I thought that happened on the server.
Am I mistaken?


N.Coffey said:
You can use themes, shared borders, include pages and several other FP
You cannot use Forms[1] , Guestbook, Discussion Web or Hit-Counters.

I didn't think I could use include pages, so this is good news. It
will save me a lot of typing.

P.S. Ron, you might be glad to know that I uninstalled Netscape 3 and
plan to install Firefox this weekend. If it works well, I might even
send them money. Thanks for the advice.



FP includes are hard coded into the page when the page is edited and saved,
so FP includes will work on any website, with or without extensions. The
included file does not need to be uploaded with the rest of the web for
non-extended webs.

In an extended web, the same applies locally, but the pages are again
rebuilt on the server (the included file must be uploaded). This allows a
change to an include file to be propagated throughout the web without
uploading all the affected pages.

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Murray said:
Are we sure about being able to use includes without FP extensions?

As far as I know, you need something to reduce the included file to the
inner HTML of the <body> tags, and I thought that happened on the server.
Am I mistaken?


N.Coffey said:
You can use themes, shared borders, include pages and several other FP
You cannot use Forms[1] , Guestbook, Discussion Web or Hit-Counters.

I didn't think I could use include pages, so this is good news. It
will save me a lot of typing.

P.S. Ron, you might be glad to know that I uninstalled Netscape 3 and
plan to install Firefox this weekend. If it works well, I might even
send them money. Thanks for the advice.



Ahh - thanks. I understand.


Ronx said:
FP includes are hard coded into the page when the page is edited and
saved, so FP includes will work on any website, with or without
extensions. The included file does not need to be uploaded with the rest
of the web for non-extended webs.

In an extended web, the same applies locally, but the pages are again
rebuilt on the server (the included file must be uploaded). This allows a
change to an include file to be propagated throughout the web without
uploading all the affected pages.

Ron Symonds (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

Murray said:
Are we sure about being able to use includes without FP extensions?

As far as I know, you need something to reduce the included file to the
inner HTML of the <body> tags, and I thought that happened on the server.
Am I mistaken?


N.Coffey said:
You can use themes, shared borders, include pages and several other FP
You cannot use Forms[1] , Guestbook, Discussion Web or Hit-Counters.

I didn't think I could use include pages, so this is good news. It
will save me a lot of typing.

P.S. Ron, you might be glad to know that I uninstalled Netscape 3 and
plan to install Firefox this weekend. If it works well, I might even
send them money. Thanks for the advice.



FP includes are hard coded into the page when the page is edited and saved,
so FP includes will work on any website, with or without extensions. The
included file does not need to be uploaded with the rest of the web for
non-extended webs.

Is an 'extended web' one that is on a server with FP extensions? Our
business website has FP extensions and when I used an include page,
the page it was on had [footer.htm] at the bottom before I uploaded



N.Coffey said:
FP includes are hard coded into the page when the page is edited and
so FP includes will work on any website, with or without extensions. The
included file does not need to be uploaded with the rest of the web for
non-extended webs.

Is an 'extended web' one that is on a server with FP extensions? Our
business website has FP extensions and when I used an include page,
the page it was on had [footer.htm] at the bottom before I uploaded



There are two possible reasons for the wording [footer.htm] to appear:

1) The path to footer.htm is incorrect, or footer.htm does not exist.

2) A problem with FrontPage - FP is unable to load footer.htm

The cure for 1) is to right-click the placeholder [footer.htm] and under
properties correct the path. If footer.htm does not exist, it needs to be
created, or another page used for the footer, or the include removed from
the page.

The usual cure for 2) is to close all open pages and Tools->Recalculate

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