No incoming Mail



I recently upgraded to Outlook 2007, but now I'm not receiving any of my
emails. I disabled my AV plugin for email scanning and I'm still not getting
anything. I'm running Windows XP Pro w/sp 2. Is there any way I can start
receiving my emails?


There are many things that could cause this problem. The first one I see the
most is old firewall software that does not reconize outlook 2007 and
therefore blocks its client. second is that the client corrupted on updateing
call your service provider and walk through setup with them, third all
clients are not equil some that worked with old outlook will not work with
new outlook the same way again check with your service provider. All else
fails an upgrade copy is considered a full copy as far as technical support
views it so you are entitled to either time limited or incedent limited
amounts of technical support from Microsoft make good use of it those guys
really know thier stuff!

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