No incrementation of sequence


Martin Andersen

I have a problem with the incrementation of a sequence of table numbers. In
the heading related to chapter 3, i have placed the field { seq Tabel \r 0 \h
}, which resets the sequence of table numbers. The sequence field for the
first table in chapter 3 is { seq Tabel \* ARABIC }, which returns the
correct sequence number 1.

The sequence field for the second table i chapter 3 is { seq Tabel \* ARABIC
\n }, whick returns the false sequence number 1. Removing \n gives the same

I have tried updating all fields in the document. It didn't make any

Any ideas or sugestions?

Shauna Kelly

Hi Martin

The field codes you give should work, and when I copy them into a document,
they work fine for me. That is, the first field code is hidden, the second
says "1" and the third says "2".

If this were me, I'd guess that I had a spare hidden code with \r 0
somewhere before the last field. F11 goes from field to field, so click near
your first field and press F11 to cycle through the fields to see if it
finds one that you don't expect.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

Stefan Blom

Are you tracking changes? Accept all changes in order to display field
codes correctly.

If that doesn't help, you'll have to examine the SEQ field codes
carefully. Press ALT+F9 to display them all at once.

Is the field code correct for all table captions? Pay special
attention to the occurrence of (undesired) \h switches and to the
spelling of the SEQuence names.

Martin Andersen

Hi Shauna

Thanks for the hint on F11 feature. When i cycled thrugh the fields, i found
a seq field resetting the table sequence. The field was buried in some
MathType fields, and i have no idea about how it ended up there.

"Shauna Kelly" skrev:
Hi Martin

The field codes you give should work, and when I copy them into a document,
they work fine for me. That is, the first field code is hidden, the second
says "1" and the third says "2".

If this were me, I'd guess that I had a spare hidden code with \r 0
somewhere before the last field. F11 goes from field to field, so click near
your first field and press F11 to cycle through the fields to see if it
finds one that you don't expect.

Hope this helps.

Shauna Kelly. Microsoft MVP.

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