No numeric values



I work for a university and we develop images for our
machines within our labs. We currently have Office 2000
SP3 installed on all of our machines which are then

On all of our machines EVERY report that Access generates
displays blank spaces where ever a numerical value is
present. This is the case for page numbers, database
entries, dates and times the lot. The software is patched
to the latest updates.

Please help

Marshall Barton

Paul said:
I work for a university and we develop images for our
machines within our labs. We currently have Office 2000
SP3 installed on all of our machines which are then

On all of our machines EVERY report that Access generates
displays blank spaces where ever a numerical value is
present. This is the case for page numbers, database
entries, dates and times the lot. The software is patched
to the latest updates.

This sounds like the really weird situation recently
discovered. I can't find a KB article on it yet (except in
French), but searching in Google Advanced Groups on all the
Numbers arabic report
and this newsgroup, I came across several posts on this
issue. Here's one URL:[email protected]&rnum=3

Cheryl Fischer

The symptoms you describe appear to match a rather unique problem which
occurs occasionally. It was resolved by "Guylaine" in 2003.
Following is a complete copy of his post.

Begin quoted material:
The fix is quite simple but still strange ...

For some reason the registry key 1025 is set to ON (concerning arabic
language) and the arabic language is not taken care of ...

You either turn it OFF :
Key : HKEY_USERS\<<user
(As to be done for every user on the machine)

or install the arabic language (good for everyone):
Control Panel
Regional settings
General tab
Check the arabic language
Accept and reboot

I found it on Microsoft French site KB469516:

If you have the problem I'm sure you can read french !!

End quoted material


thanks for your help. The install of the Arabic languages
works, now i just have to figure out how to remotely
execute that to 1000+ machines :D shame the regedit one
didnt :( that would have been so much easier.

thanks for all your help

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