No online or local help content for Office 2007 Help window



When I click F1 for "Help" in any MS Office 2007 product (Word, Excel, etc),
I get the expected help pop-up window... But when I enter ANY word in the
search field and click "Search", nothing happens.

It does not matter what word I enter in the search field, nothing at all
happens when I click the "Search" button.

The bottom of the window says "Connected to Office Online". I tried
changing that to "Show content only from this computer", but that didn't
change anything... The search function in help just seems to be dead.

Oh yes... and I already ran Office Diagnostics, but it showed nothing to be

What is going on?


Here is a little more information on the issue I have discovered...

I can click the "little book" icon at the top of the help window and display
the table of contents. The TOC on the left seems to be there, but when I
drill down to any specific content (the items that have a little question
mark icon in front of them), nothing happens when I click (or double click)
on them.

Just a thought... Might this have something to do with Vista Service Pack
2? I just installed it a couple of weeks ago, but have not tried to get into
Office Help since then. It's just a thought.

I would appreciate some ideas on this from the Word community.



Since posting yesterday, I have discovered that the problem exists for ANY
Microsoft product that uses the CLVIEW.EXE file. This is true for programs
like Web Expressions 2, in addition to the Office 2007 suite.

I have seen no responses to this thread yet. Am I the only one who is
experiencing this problem?

Please reply if you know a solution to this.

Best regards,


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