no option for One Note mobile in Active Sync


John Mc


I have a samsung black jack (wm5) and activesync 4.2 installed.

I am able to get one note mobile to install on the phone. I can create notes.

The notes don't ever sync back to OneNote (2007 BTR2).

I have heard people mention some kind of indicator in Active Sync. I never
have anything like this show up in Active Sync.

any ideas? suggestions?

John mc

John Mc

Ben... thanks for staying with me on this

yes, i have uninstalled and re-installed multiple times.

tonight i am trying to repair/re-install onenote.

very strange



ON will only sync notes that are kept in the "unfiled" folder/notebook.
Don't know why this is, but it is... :( BTW, the ON Mobile is really poor;
it has almost no features, and I wish that you could integrate Outlook notes
so that you have only one program handling notes. Any suggestions??

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Aloha ShakespearesEdge,

Well, ONMobile does only sync with a single section on ON, yes. Usually
it's in a "OneNote Mobile" Notebook.

As for limited features, keep in mind that OneNote Mobile was a relatively
late to the game and it was designed for relatively limited devices (SmartPhones).
As a 1.0 level product I think we can forgive some limits. It'll get more
robust with time and as the devices that host it gain capability.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Brian Smith

Ben & John,

I have this identical problem. I am runinng OneNote 2007 RTM (installed
with Office Enterprise) and a Sprint 6700 Pocket PC, which is WM5. I was
able to install ON Mobile to the Storage Card and use it, but there is no
ActiveSync option to sync ON Mobile back to ON. It seems like the sync
options never get registered with AS4.2. I too have uninstalled and
reinstalled a number of times. Any help would be appreciated.


Rainald Taesler

Brian Smith shared these words of wisdom:
I have this identical problem. I am runinng OneNote 2007 RTM
(installed with Office Enterprise) and a Sprint 6700 Pocket PC,
which is WM5. I was able to install ON Mobile to the Storage Card
and use it, but there is no ActiveSync option to sync ON Mobile
back to ON. It seems like the sync options never get registered
with AS4.2.

Just a shot in the fog:
Could it perhaps have to do with the fact that ON is sitting on the
Storage Card?
AS in general does not work on data sitting there.

You might try to unisntall ON Mobile and install in the PDA's main
Deleting the partnership and creating a new one after the uninstall
might be of help.


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