No permission since I used Security Wizard to set up a group accou



I used Security Wizard to try to set up a group account for Read-Only users,
following the instructions of a QuickSteps publication.

After selecting Read-Only Users, I selected "No, the Users group should not
have any permissions." I proceeded to add a New User, noticing that I was
already included in the list. I entered the User Name, left Password blank
and clicked Add This User to the List button. Next, I selected the
aforementioned New User and assigned her a Read-Only User. And then finish.

When I tried to open one of the tables inside the database, a message came
up: "You do not have the necessary permission to use the 'dtb filepath'
object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object
establish the appropriate permissions for you."

I then closed the database and tried to open it back up. I've been getting
the same message since that time for this particular database.

Your help is most appreciated.

Thank you.


I am having the same issue if anyone can help itwould be greatly appreciated,
two days of work straight down the drain?

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