No pictures in design view



Hello everybody!

Using Frontpage 2003. Just as I open the program today, logged onto my
website, openned th eindex page, noticed that all images , including
background cells and/or background tables were x-out when viewing in design
mode. I can however see the images in preview mode or thru the browser.
What's the reason and how can I fix it?
Thank you so much for any input

Steve Easton

Go here: and download FP Cleaner.

Run the functions that clear the FrontPage Temporary files and the Cache (*.web) files

See if it helps.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Steve Easton

The images must be imported to a location inside your web before you use them in a page or
they won't be published.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Hi Steve,
Not sure exactly what you're trying to say. The pages/images/files do not
need to be published. The site is already in operation and it has been for
about a year now. My issue is not been able to see any pictures on the pages,
in design mode, when I open the site/pages using Frontpage. They do however
appear in Preview mode. This problem just began occurring this morning.

Steve Easton

I just checked the site in IE, and see the images.
Not sure why they don't display in design mode.

Did you delete the cache(*.web) files with FP Cleaner??

Also, have you cleared the browser temporary internet and history files??

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Yes, I did al that Steve. Also contacted the hosting co. and this is the
reply I received:
The images you have uploaded is from protected link.
So the images will not be able to see in the frontpage.
You will have to reupload the image through Front page, then only you can
access the images through front page."

Now, the site has been up and running since May of 05 and I add images
either by Publishing or Import/File command.

Does that make any sense?



Thank you everyone who tried to help me on this issue. It has been fixed by
the hosting techs.

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