I have an auto text entry that automatically puts in today's date and
updates it whenever one opens or prints the document.
It's incredibly useful for letters.
Alas, any time I try printing a document that has such an auto text
entry in it, Word crashes!
I know this is the problem because if I delete that text or change its
Proofing setting to English US, it prints fine.
Unfortunately, the autotext system always make the auto dating entry
NO Proofing and the program crashes.
This looks to be a definite program bug.
Word X for Mac Service Release 1 on a PB G4 with HP PSC 950 all in
updates it whenever one opens or prints the document.
It's incredibly useful for letters.
Alas, any time I try printing a document that has such an auto text
entry in it, Word crashes!
I know this is the problem because if I delete that text or change its
Proofing setting to English US, it prints fine.
Unfortunately, the autotext system always make the auto dating entry
NO Proofing and the program crashes.
This looks to be a definite program bug.
Word X for Mac Service Release 1 on a PB G4 with HP PSC 950 all in