No show in Issues Owner list


Conrad Santiago

We have a resource, let's call her Gina, who is not showing up in the Owner
drop-down list when creating an Issue.
She has the same rights and permissions of others who are showing up in the
list. She is also assigned to the Enterprise Team and in some cases
assigned to tasks on those projects. Still, she isn't showing up.

What other reasons could be causing this?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Conrad --

Is her account set to Project Server authentication or Windows user account
authentication? Only those with the latter will show up on the Owner list
in WSS. Let us know.

Conrad Santiago

Yes, she is set to Windows Authentication, similar to others who show up on
the list.

--Conrad Santiago

Conrad Santiago

I did some more investigation into this puzzler. It turns out Gina is not
the only resouce not showing up in the Owners list. 25-30% of our staff is
not showing up on the list.

On the surface, there are no similarities among the "non-owners". Some are
Active, some are Inactive. Some have Windows Authentication, some have
Project Server Authentication. Some are old original users, some are new.
Their User Groups vary, so it's not a permissions thing.

Any other ideas on why these Users aren't showing up in the Issues Owners
drop-down list?

--Conrad Santiago


Has there been a response to this question on any other thread maybe? I still
have the same problem and am struggling for answers. Thanks!

Conrad Santiago

No. However, I have found a clue in the way project web sites are created.
Via PWA / Admin / Manage Windows Sharepoint Services / Manage Sharepoint
Sites, I synchronized a project and was able to bring the missing name up on
the list. Alas, this is only one project at a time.

Meanwhile, we are having other PWA issues with some of our users, so I won't
get back on this issue until that is resolved.

I recommend you read the help on how SharePoint creates these sites. If you
come up with a solution, feel free to share.

Hope that helps.

--Conrad Santiago

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