No Upload Capabilities All Of A Sudden


Chuck Le Mieux

I have FP 2002 which I've been using since it came out.

All of a sudden I am unable to upload one of my websites. When I click on
publish the computer freezes up and I have to use Ctrl Alt Del to get access

This is with one site my other two sites work prefectly when I publish on
the same computer.

What would cause this problem?

Chuck Le Mieux

Thanks for the info but it didn't help still freezes up. My other websites
still upload fine though.

Chuck Le Mieux

It says it can't find the file main in my temporary files. I don't know what
that means but I can edit all the files when I open it with FP.

Chuck Le Mieux

Just received this message from the server hosting this website.

It will be necessary to completely reinstall your server side extension. Do
you have a local copy of your site on your machine because you will have to
to resynch some of the extensions data once the task is complete. Let us know
and we will begin the install.

Let's see if this works

Thanks for the help

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