No Value - Runtime Error 2427



I have a form and a subform. When the client ID is entered on the form; I
want the Client Name (Me!txtClientName) to appear on the form if available.
The Client Name is retrieved from the subform. It works great if the client
is not new. But if the client is new then there is no data available. Then
I get "Runtime Error 2427...You entered an expression that has no value".
What can do if there is no value in the subform.

[Latest Client Name subform].Requery 'Requery subform - check for existing
Me!txtClientName = IIf([Latest Client Name subform].Form![ClientName] = "",
"", RTrim([Latest Client Name subform].Form![ClientName]))

Thanks for any help. Lamar

Barry Gilbert

You could preface it with On Error Resume Next, maybe.

Also, you could replace your IIF statement with
Nz([Latest Client Name subform].Form![ClientName],"")
This probably won't fix the problem, but it'll be neater code.


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