no virus protect. computer wants to control everything



computer totally froze up while I was rescheduling to new date. know nothing
about computers. I turned the system down & wiped out my systems memory.
Husbands friend helped out & took it to download some of my old disc and
Windows XL (I think) in it. Never notice about protection, security or
viruses. My young son plays games & logs on to wrestling stuff w/all the
things that come with it. computer started doing things like not letting me
log except going to the adm page when computer comes on, not letting me have
my own home domain (it only uses blank). I dont know how to do much, I got
Avast. Tried to purchased virus protection twice, computer wont let me, etc

Linq Adams via

First off, the newsgroup you've posted this to is dedicated to the database
program, MS Access, not to "access" as in "accessing the internet."

Secondly, from looking at your post, I'd say what you really need to do is to
take your PC into a repair shop. Most big box electronic stores, like Circuit
City or Big Buys, have in-house repair shops that, at least in my area, offer
quality repairs at reasonable rates. And even the smallest communities today
have independent repair shops. The fact that you don't know what version of
Windows you're running (there is no Windows XL, I expect you mean Windows XP)
argues against the chances of you fixing this on your own.

A lot of people swear by Avast anti-virus software, and the price is
certainly right, but it has to be set up correctly in order to work properly.

Good luck.

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