No visible selection in shaded paragraphs in Word 2008



I'm having some problems with shading in Word 2008 when I'm in "Print
Layout" view.

If I select a portion of a paragraph and apply shading, everything
works as expected.

If I select an entire paragraph (e.g., triple click) and then apply a
shading, there is no hilighting visible if I then try to select any
letters or words in the paragaph on the same line.
- If I select the entire paragraph, the hilighting is then shown
- If I try to select across lines in the paragraph, the shading is
then shown correctly (and will rubberband appropriately)

Interestingly, if I select a shade a subset of a paragraph, and later
shade the entire paragraph, selection hilighting works as expected.

Anyone know if this is being investigated?

MacOSX 10.4.10 on macbook pro

John McGhie

Hi Matt/Matt :)

Matt: Nice pickup! That's a fairly obscure bug :)

The Microsoft engineer in charge of graphics is also named Matt, and he's
copied on this reply :)

So "Yes", someone from Microsoft is indeed investigating this now... :)


I'm having some problems with shading in Word 2008 when I'm in "Print
Layout" view.

If I select a portion of a paragraph and apply shading, everything
works as expected.

If I select an entire paragraph (e.g., triple click) and then apply a
shading, there is no hilighting visible if I then try to select any
letters or words in the paragaph on the same line.
- If I select the entire paragraph, the hilighting is then shown
- If I try to select across lines in the paragraph, the shading is
then shown correctly (and will rubberband appropriately)

Interestingly, if I select a shade a subset of a paragraph, and later
shade the entire paragraph, selection hilighting works as expected.

Anyone know if this is being investigated?

MacOSX 10.4.10 on macbook pro

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Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]

Curt Laird (MSFT)

Hi John, Matt, and Matt:
We have confirmed this to be an issue that will need to be addressed in an
update. Unfortunately, there isn't a workaround for it at the moment.

Sorry for the trouble.


Hi Matt/Matt :)

Matt: Nice pickup! That's a fairly obscure bug :)

The Microsoft engineer in charge of graphics is also named Matt, and he's
copied on this reply :)

So "Yes", someone from Microsoft is indeed investigating this now... :)


software development engineer in test
microsoft macbu | word:mac
mailto:[email protected] (remove ³ONLINE² to send me mail)

Sent with pride using Entourage 2008!

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