non-existent folder groups shown, reminders keep coming back, A MESS!



I needed to transfer mail from a few different places, so I grabbed the
various pst files, put them in a folder and added them all using
Outlook's database management option. Then I coped mail from the
various databases into a single folder group, and used database
management to remove the other pst files.

While the data files manager shows that these pst files are no longer
attached to Outlook, they still appear in the folder list, I tried
clicking on them and would just get an error message saying object does
not exist. So then I took all the pst files I didn't want and moved
them to another folder in hopes that would force Outlook to recognize
they didn't exist. Now when I click on one of these folder groups a
message appears saying the particular pst file could not be found.I
have run Detect & Repair twice but it doesn't do anything.

At the same time, every single time I open Outlook it displays all my
overdue reminders. I click dismiss all, but next time I start Outlook
they are all back again.

Outside of that everything seems to work, but the extra folder groups
are annoying and the reminders thing is a real problem. Anyone know
what to do?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

You have a corrupt profile - you can try this or just make a new profile.

open outlook using the cleanreminders switch -

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
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