Non-functioning AutoJournal in Outlook 2007



Hi everyone,
I'm a regular user of the autojournal feature for Office documents - I use
it indirectly to review my day while preparing a timesheet, and I really
appreciate the functionality. Unfortunately, Outlook 2007 does not want to
cooperate, refusing to auto-record anything. I've set the journal options to
auto-record most of the Office program documents (Excel, Word, PP, MSP), and
I've verified that the registry keys are correct - still no go.
I've searched and noted the previous posts on how Outlook 2007 does not
record documents over a network, but that shouldn't apply here since the only
documents I'm accessing are located in My Documents on this machine. Any
ideas? Thanks in advance.

Note: here's my (small professional office) setup: desktop and laptop
machines both running XP Pro SP2. The desktop runs Outlook 2007 installed on
top of Office XP(2002) while the laptop runs Office 2003. Both machines (and
a PPC Phone) are connected to the same hosted Exchange (2003SP2) server, so
Outlook synchronization is as close to perfect as I could recognize. I use
offline files and folder redirection to sync files between the desktop and
laptop. Problem is - the laptop (2003) records journal entries for files,
but the desktop (2007) doesn't.


Never mind. I found an old post by Diane Poremsky [MVP] (Dec 26 2006, 11:48
am) indicating that the autojournal only works if Outlook and the rest of the
office suite are the same version. Looks like I'll be uninstalling Outlook
2007 and standardizing on Office/Outlook 2003 across both machines. (No real
loss; the Outlook 2007 was a promotional download from my hosted Exchange
provider). I'm looking forward to getting back my master category list.
Issue closed.


Actually, it doesn't matter, Microsoft disabled the tracking of network
documents using Journal. I confirmed this with a phone call to technical
support. Our office uses the entire 2007 Office suite, and Journal 2007 just
does not, and will not, track network documents. Search "Journal 2007"
within these forums and you will find several posts on this subject.

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