Posted this in another news group...may not have been the correct one. Sorry
if this is a double post.
Have a word doc with comment fields for the user to fill in. I would like to
add a line of instructional text that doesn't print. I have created a text
box and inserted the text in the box, then un-checked the "Drawing Objects"
under Tools --> Options. This works fine for me on my printer. However, when
I send it to another user these print properties don't follow wit the doc.
The user would have to make the same selections on their PC in order for
this to not print on their PC. This kinda defeats my purpose as there are a
wide variety of users that could have difficulty. Is there a way to "save"
the print settings I have selected on the doc. Or is there another way for a
line of text to be viewed, but not printed. I have tried the method
mentioned in the help section, where you highlight the text, select
format --> font and check the Hidden option and then have to click on the
show-hide icon. This too, would be cumbersome for other users.
if this is a double post.
Have a word doc with comment fields for the user to fill in. I would like to
add a line of instructional text that doesn't print. I have created a text
box and inserted the text in the box, then un-checked the "Drawing Objects"
under Tools --> Options. This works fine for me on my printer. However, when
I send it to another user these print properties don't follow wit the doc.
The user would have to make the same selections on their PC in order for
this to not print on their PC. This kinda defeats my purpose as there are a
wide variety of users that could have difficulty. Is there a way to "save"
the print settings I have selected on the doc. Or is there another way for a
line of text to be viewed, but not printed. I have tried the method
mentioned in the help section, where you highlight the text, select
format --> font and check the Hidden option and then have to click on the
show-hide icon. This too, would be cumbersome for other users.