Non Printable Character Display



Is there any way to view non-printable characters? Also sometimes (in the
old days) referred to as illegal ASCII digits. Or maybe printer control
characters. I have a corrupt table and can find nothing visible in the table
that would indicate corruption. I have also tried copying the table to a new
database and it is still corrupt. I also tried importing the table to a new
database - still corrupt. I tried copying the information to a new table
using VBA and integer or string types but that worked without a problem. I
have in the past been able to find corrupt fields that way but not this time.
As it is a fairly large table I was hoping that I would not have to rekey
the whole table. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Douglas J. Steele

You can loop through the field byte by byte, showing the Ascii value of each

Dim lngLoop As Long

For lngLoop = 1 To Len(ValueToCheck)
Debug.Print Mid(ValueToCheck, lngLoop, 1) & ": " &
Asc(Mid(ValueToCheck, lngLoop, 1))
Next lngLoop


Thank you for the excellent suggestion. I have built it into a looping
program to evaluate all fields.

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