Non-profit database?



Hi -
I have spent most of today searching for an answer to this question an
have come up empty handed. Perhaps someone can help. I am trying t
create a database of non-profit organizations (and their information).

I would like each Non-Profit to have a page ... really a form o
template ... where all their information (Name, Address, Missio
Statement, Category -from pull-down menu if possible, etc.) could b
entered to the right of the topics (which are listed down the left sid
of the page).

I would also like all that information to be linked/exported/merged t
a large master list that would have the information arranged in a lis
(each sheet's info flowing across under the appropriate topic heade
along the top of the page). I would also like this master list to b
sortable under each topic header -- alphabetically by name, b
category, etc.. I do not want to enter data into the master list; i
is for sorting and listing only.

Another way to look at this would be as if you were filling out a for
on a website (which might be a good thing for us to do in the future
but is far beyond me now), who's data would then be collected on
spreadsheet elsewhere.

Is this possible in Excel? Is it best to use a combination of Exce
and Word? How?

I know this is a lot to ask, but I could really use the guidance. I a
relatively new to Excel, but am enjoying it's versatility and plan t
use it more as I progress. Therefore, learning how to do something i
important (as opposed to having someone do it for me). Thanks. Als
know that any help is for my entire community as this document will b
for public use.

Thanks. - To


Not trying to be impatient, just thought if I posed the question of the
over-all goal it might get some different thinking. I couldn't figure
out how to make your other response work for me, but will go back and
give it more effort. Thanks.

Roger Govier

Hi Tom

I posted a reply this morning, with a follow correction. I include them
below in case you couldn't see them.

Hi Tom

In addition to Anne's suggestion using Word to do a mailmerge type
operation, you could stay within Excel if you wanted.
Supposing your Master sheet has Organisation Name in Column A, and the rest
of your data are in columns B to M (or as many required for the items you
are recording).

On Sheet2, copy this list of headings to cells A1:A13 by copying A1:M1 from
Sheet 1, select A1 on Sheet2 and Paste Special>Transpose.
You only need to go down to the row number equivalent to the last column on
your Master sheet.
Make column A wide enough for the widest heading you have.

On Sheet2, in cell B2 enter
Copy the formula down through B3:B13
(If your Master sheet is not actually named as such, but is Sheet1, then
substitute Sheet1! for Master! in the formula.

Now, any Organisation Name entered into B1, would have their respective data
pulled across from the Master Sheet.

To make it easy to select an Organisation, create a Named List of
organisations by Insert>Name>Define and in the Name pane type Names and in
the Refers to pane enter =OFFSET(Master!$A$1,0,0,COUNTIF(Sheet2!A:A,"<>"))

On Sheet2, apply Data Validation to cell B1 by selecting the cell,
Data>Validation> select List from the Allow dropdown, and in the pane
marked Source enter =Names.

You will now have a dropdown on cell B1 to allow you to select any
organisation, and all the relevant data will be shown down the page as you

For more help on Data Validation take a look at
and for more information on Vlookup also on Debra's site
Apologies Tom
Typo in formula for named range.
NOT =OFFSET(Master!$A$1,0,0,COUNTIF(Sheet2!A:A,"<>"))
but instead


Roger Govier

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