Non VB Help -



HI Everyone,

I posted this question in the other forum for Excel but no response so far hence I am posting it here.

Is there a way to execute the result of =concatenate formula.

I have following formula =(CONCATENATE(B2,B15,B11,B3,B4))

That results in cell b19 as ... VLOOKUP($h$10,'[Client Outstanding Status-2012.xls]Salvage Outstanding'!C1056:$P$3000,2,FALSE)

I would like to execute this in cell b20 as a vlookup formula.

Is there a way to do it without going into VBA?



hi Naeem,



Le 2012-06-22 08:45, Naeem a écrit :


Thanks Isabelle...but I am getting the #NAME? error.

I do not have EVAL function in the excel.

Martin Brown

HI Everyone,

I posted this question in the other forum for Excel but no response so far hence I am posting it here.

Is there a way to execute the result of =concatenate formula.

I have following formula =(CONCATENATE(B2,B15,B11,B3,B4))

That results in cell b19 as ... VLOOKUP($h$10,'[Client Outstanding Status-2012.xls]Salvage Outstanding'!C1056:$P$3000,2,FALSE)

I would like to execute this in cell b20 as a vlookup formula.

Is there a way to do it without going into VBA?


I can't think of one. The simplest VBA to do what you want would be to
add a UDF to export Evaluate() to the spreadsheet.

Something in the Workbook code nodule along the lines of:

Function myeval(s) As Variant
myeval = Evaluate(s)
End Function

Sub test()
a = myeval("=3+4")
b = myeval("=Sin(pi())")
End Sub

Sub INstall()
Application.MacroOptions Macro:="myeval(s)", Category:="MyEval"
End Sub

Ought to do it. Might be rather flakey with syntax errors tho.
Works OK from the spreadsheet with string expressions.

You may have to force the expression to be a string for it to work.

ie in cell B20 put something like

=myeval("=" & B19)

ISTR =myeval(B19) won't work.


eval works but I have to have the other file open.

Thanks everyone for your help

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