Hello all.
Normally i would do this type of project in PHP and SQL but the boss
has requested that I make this in something that he's familiar with,
namely access.
What i'm trying to do is create a time sheet entry system. What i have
done is created a DB that has 4 tables in it. A user table, project
table, rank table, and a hours table. The DB itself I can use the
queries and reports on till i'm blue in the face, what i'm trying to
do is create a form that will allow other users (that arent allowed to
see the raw data) a way of submitting time to the hours table based on
a multi level query.
So in short i'm trying to do an INSERT INTO query through this VB stuff
and I have no clue how to do it. I found some information on the web,
I also bought a book in hopes of finding out how to handle this and
both have proven useless thus far.
this is what I have
Keep in mind that some of this i grabbed from the web. and other
pieces from the book. What do you need from me and what can i provide
that might help to know what i'm trying to accomplish?
Normally i would do this type of project in PHP and SQL but the boss
has requested that I make this in something that he's familiar with,
namely access.
What i'm trying to do is create a time sheet entry system. What i have
done is created a DB that has 4 tables in it. A user table, project
table, rank table, and a hours table. The DB itself I can use the
queries and reports on till i'm blue in the face, what i'm trying to
do is create a form that will allow other users (that arent allowed to
see the raw data) a way of submitting time to the hours table based on
a multi level query.
So in short i'm trying to do an INSERT INTO query through this VB stuff
and I have no clue how to do it. I found some information on the web,
I also bought a book in hopes of finding out how to handle this and
both have proven useless thus far.
this is what I have
Private Sub SubmitBtn_Click()
On Error GoTo Submit_err
Dim dbLocation 'Location of our Access database file
Dim sSQL 'Our SQL query
dbLocation = "//Divot/public/common/timecard/tim.mdb"
Set objADO = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'Create an ADO connection
to a database
objADO.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
dbLocation 'Open the database
sSQL = "INSERT INTO Hours ( UserID, ProjectID, Date, Hours ) VALUES('"
& & "' , '" & & "')" 'Set our SQL query
objADO.Execute (sSQL) 'Execute this SQL query
Set objADO = Nothing
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Submit_err
End Sub
Keep in mind that some of this i grabbed from the web. and other
pieces from the book. What do you need from me and what can i provide
that might help to know what i'm trying to accomplish?