I've taken over someone's old machine which uses Word 2003. When I open a
new document (File | New), it has the following features, which I'd like to
eliminate: the Task Pane is active, and several unwanted toolbars appear on
the top of the screen.
Here's what I tried (unsuccessfully).
1. I opened a new doc using File | New.
2. On the new doc, I closed out the unwanted task pane and toolbars.
3. I saved the resulting doc as a template, which I named normal1.dot, in
the same folder as the original normal.dot.
4. I used Windows Explorer to navigate to the Templates folder, deleted
normal.dot, and renamed normal1.dot as normal.dot
5. I reopened Word and tried File | New again
No change from the original.
What have i missed?
new document (File | New), it has the following features, which I'd like to
eliminate: the Task Pane is active, and several unwanted toolbars appear on
the top of the screen.
Here's what I tried (unsuccessfully).
1. I opened a new doc using File | New.
2. On the new doc, I closed out the unwanted task pane and toolbars.
3. I saved the resulting doc as a template, which I named normal1.dot, in
the same folder as the original normal.dot.
4. I used Windows Explorer to navigate to the Templates folder, deleted
normal.dot, and renamed normal1.dot as normal.dot
5. I reopened Word and tried File | New again
No change from the original.
What have i missed?