A couple of years ago, when the Normal.dot in my Word 97 was about 600
KB, I asked how big a Normal.dot was too big, and was told that even
twice that size was no problem. As the number of my macros keeps
increasing, so does the size of Normal--now it's up to 1.42 MB. Plus I
have a global add-in template of about 1 MB. Also, I occasionally run
the Word Code Cleaner. (The tootal number of macros in the two
templates is ... 400).
Is this a problem? Word seems to function normally. The only problem
is that occasionally I'll be working on a document and Word will freeze
up, forcing me to shut it down from the Close Program dialog box.
KB, I asked how big a Normal.dot was too big, and was told that even
twice that size was no problem. As the number of my macros keeps
increasing, so does the size of Normal--now it's up to 1.42 MB. Plus I
have a global add-in template of about 1 MB. Also, I occasionally run
the Word Code Cleaner. (The tootal number of macros in the two
templates is ... 400).
Is this a problem? Word seems to function normally. The only problem
is that occasionally I'll be working on a document and Word will freeze
up, forcing me to shut it down from the Close Program dialog box.