All you need to do to make the AutoText entries available in Word 2007 is
copy the template (or any other template containing AutoText
entries created in Word 2003) from the computer running Word 2003 and save it
into either one of the following folders on the computer running Word 2007:
C:\Documents and Settings\User Name \Application Data\Microsoft\Document
Building Blocks\1033\ (Windows XP)
C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Document Building Blocks\1033\
The \1033\Document Building Blocks folder did not exist before Word 2007.
The building blocks built-in to Word 2007 are stored in Building Blocks.dotx,
which is stored in either of the folders above.
The AutoText entries from Word 2003 will also be available in every Word
session if you save the template in the STARTUP folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP\
(Windows XP)
C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP\ (Vista)
If you want to maintain consistent building blocks (AutoText entries are
contained in a gallery in the new building blocks organizer (insert tab, Text
group, Quick Parts, Building Blocks Organizer) because you're continuing to
run Word 2003 on one computer and Word 2007 on another, I personally would
add or delete AutoText entries on the 2003 computer and then copy the and save it to the 2007 computer as suggested above.
To access AutoText entries quickly from the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT), add
the AutoText button to the QAT:
Click the Office Button to display the Office menu and click Word Options
to display the Word Options dialog box
Click Customize to display the customization option
In the Choose commands from drop-down list box, select All Commands
Scroll down to AutoText and select it
Click Add and click OK
Click AutoText button on the Quick Access Toolbar to display a gallery that
lists in alphabetical order all entries in the AutoText gallery