Richard R

Even though I have made no changes to a document, when I exit Word I get
the following message "Changes have been made that affect the global
template, Do you want to save those changes?" Is there a way to
get rid of that message? Thanks.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

The usual cause of this message (when you know you have not made changes) is
a poorly written add-in. Two of the most notorious are the Norton Office
Plug-in and the Microsoft Works Suite Add-in for Word. Check Tools |
Templates and Add-ins for a start, but note that COM add-ins will not be
listed; you can find *some* of those using the tool available from, but the
two add-ins mentioned above are among the ones that elude even that
diagnostic tool.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Absolutely do not do this! This is analogous to taking the battery out of
your smoke detector. You *want* to know when something is attempting to
change If you disable the prompt, you give permission for any
software (including malicious viruses) to change without asking
or telling you.

Richard R

There are no Add-ins listed. I have re-checked "Prompt to save Normal
Template" Could there be other solutions to the problem?

Richard R

Suzanne -- I have found a COM Add-in called "Web page wizard". Should I
remove it? Thanks for your help.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You might shop it around. A lot of people have been looking for the Web Page
Wizard lately. <g> If you're not using it, I would at least move it
somewhere where it can do no harm.

Richard R

I removed the "Webpage wizard" COM Add-in and I still get the "Changes have
been made that affect the global template, etc.". I guess
I can't win. Thanks

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