Robert M. Lewis
A little knowledge ... etc. I overstepped myself by trying to play around
with Normal (trying to put it somewhere safe, that I back-up often, and to
undo some unwanted customizations I did). Now (not sure exactly what I have
done) I keep getting the message "The global template, Normal, is already
open as an add-in program.", e.g., on openning a file or on going to
Tools>Templates and Add-ins. This is more than just annoying, it scares me,
I feel something nasty is going to happen.
Anyway, Word X with service release 1 running, Mac OS 10.2.6.
And I have rebooted.
with Normal (trying to put it somewhere safe, that I back-up often, and to
undo some unwanted customizations I did). Now (not sure exactly what I have
done) I keep getting the message "The global template, Normal, is already
open as an add-in program.", e.g., on openning a file or on going to
Tools>Templates and Add-ins. This is more than just annoying, it scares me,
I feel something nasty is going to happen.
Anyway, Word X with service release 1 running, Mac OS 10.2.6.
And I have rebooted.