Normal Style & Mail formating stuck



Outlook 2000, Settings: Outlook as editor, HTML email, Message Fonts
all set to Ariel 10

I often cut/paste text from Word into an outgoing email. As expected
the original format is retained. At this point the Style menu (in
email) might display "Paragraph", "Normal", blank, etc.

I then select the entire email (Ctrl-A) and apply the "Normal" style.
Usually nothing happens. I have to apply some other style (e.g.
Heading 3) first, then I can apply "Normal".
What's up?

Sometimes the incoming format "sticks" and I can't override it w/ a
style. I can't even remove bolding (the Bold Tool Bar button is stuck
and won't deselect. I can't figure what series of events causes it,
but it happens often.

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