Normal template



How do I change the page setting and font in the Normal template? If I open
it as a template and try to replace it with the new settings, Word tells me I
can't change an open document/template.

If I try to drill down to the template folder where Normal is kept, there is
no way to get to the Application Data folder so I can then get to the
Microsoft and then Templates folders. Frustrating!

Charles Kenyon

It sounds like you are trying to use SaveAs to save over the top of your
existing You'll run into big problems if you ever do this.

See and

You may or may not be able to get to the user templates folder directly.
That will depend on your file permissions and whether, if you have
permissions, you have set your views to let you see system and hidden
folders and files. As you'll see from the first article above, though, you
do not need to open to change your font or margins. If you open
the template, you will see the name of the template in the title bar, rather
than Document 4.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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