Normal Teplate - Problem



When you open a 'new document' I would like a completely blank
document to appear. Instead the last file saved always is displayed.
I can clear it but it won't let me delete it. Any help?

Thanks, Kat


Hi Kat -

You've somehow managed to save that content to your Normal template (on
which new Word docs are based). Since you don't specify I'll have to assume
you're using Mac Office 2004:

While Word is not launched use Finder to navigate to
username/documents/Microsoft User Data folder where you'll find a Word
template file by the name of Normal. Change the name of that file to
something else - such as OldNormal. Word will create a new Normal the next
time you launch it & all should be well. If so you can then delete the
OldNormal file... Otherwise post back in detail including Word & OS versions

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Thank you so much for your help!

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