I am having a hard time trying to figure out the correct/best way to make
this table(s) to track the progress of a juvenile once released from our
facility, ie: whether the juvenile has re-offended as a minor.
Necessary Items: (The Easy stuff)
[JuvenileID] - provided from the Juvenile Table
[ExitType] - Successful or Unsuccessful
(The Hard Stuff)
If [ExitType] = "Successful",
then [Subsequent Adjudication(Reoffended)] = Yes or No.
If [SubsequentAdjudication] = Yes,
then [WhatTypeofAdjudication] = arry(referred to StateLevel,
NoChange, Other)
elseif [ExitType] = "Unsuccessful",
then [UnsuccessfulType] = array(Mental Health, Medical,Program
Non-Compliance, Other)
end if
Do I have 5 fields or 4? And how to make it, pardon the phrase,
this table(s) to track the progress of a juvenile once released from our
facility, ie: whether the juvenile has re-offended as a minor.
Necessary Items: (The Easy stuff)
[JuvenileID] - provided from the Juvenile Table
[ExitType] - Successful or Unsuccessful
(The Hard Stuff)
If [ExitType] = "Successful",
then [Subsequent Adjudication(Reoffended)] = Yes or No.
If [SubsequentAdjudication] = Yes,
then [WhatTypeofAdjudication] = arry(referred to StateLevel,
NoChange, Other)
elseif [ExitType] = "Unsuccessful",
then [UnsuccessfulType] = array(Mental Health, Medical,Program
Non-Compliance, Other)
end if
Do I have 5 fields or 4? And how to make it, pardon the phrase,