Normalizing/ Creating Updateable Form



Hello: I need an expert on this one, please!

I have normalized my tables as follows (I have shortened field names). Where
MAIN_TABLE should be the source of all other information. I think these
tables are normalized correctly, but I cannot create a form or query that
will update/add all fields as expected. Please consider patiently helping
with this, I'm pulling out the hairs on my head as we speak.



MAIN_TABLE (CT, DOFL, FL) ---> (These three fields determine every other
field in the database)
WHERE MAIN_TABLE.CT must exist in C_T.CT
WHERE MAIN_TABLE.FL must exist in S_O_N.FL

K_N (CT, KN) ---->Note: CT and KN are composite keys
WHERE K_N.CT must exist in C_T.CT

B_N (CT, BN) ----> Note: CT and BN are composite keys
WHERE B_N.CT must exist in C_T.CT

C_T (CT, IN, SD, OPN, DN, VName, VNumber, SN, SB, NS, Notes)
Where CT is the primary key --> (and determines every field in table

WHERE S_O_N .SON must exist in F_N.SON
where FL is the primary key

WHERE SON is the primary key


Hello: I need an expert on this one, please!

I have normalized my tables as follows (I have shortened field names). Where
MAIN_TABLE should be the source of all other information. I think these
tables are normalized correctly, but I cannot create a form or query that
will update/add all fields as expected. Please consider patiently helping
with this, I'm pulling out the hairs on my head as we speak.



MAIN_TABLE (CT, DOFL, FL) ---> (These three fields determine every other
field in the database)
WHERE MAIN_TABLE.CT must exist in C_T.CT
WHERE MAIN_TABLE.FL must exist in S_O_N.FL

K_N (CT, KN) ---->Note: CT and KN are composite keys
WHERE K_N.CT must exist in C_T.CT

B_N (CT, BN) ----> Note: CT and BN are composite keys
WHERE B_N.CT must exist in C_T.CT

C_T (CT, IN, SD, OPN, DN, VName, VNumber, SN, SB, NS, Notes)
Where CT is the primary key --> (and determines every field in table

WHERE S_O_N .SON must exist in F_N.SON
where FL is the primary key

WHERE SON is the primary key

Please let me know if any clarification needed, Thank you!

---Gabriel M.

*Please let me know if any clarification needed, Thank you! *


You might want to provide at least some information about the type of
information in your DB and what you are trying to accomplish. The way
your post is written it's hard to make sense out of what you are
doing. You say that MAIN_TABLE is *the source of all other
information*, but as far as I can tell it is just the third, or
defining table, in a many-to-many relationship between C_T and S_O_N,
so I don't see how it could be the source of all other information in
the database.

Then again, it's hard to say because I can't really make sense of it
from your post. Repost with some more info and someone may be able to
offer you some help.



When I said that "CT, DOFL, and FL" are the source field for all other
information, I meant that these three fields determine all other fields, if
you know about normalizing, then you know what this means, if not, let me

If I build a query that pulls up all fields from all tables (the query would
contain Fields: CT, DOFL, FL, IN, SON, SD, OPN, DN, VName, VNumber, KN, BN,
SN, SB, NS, Notes, FN), if I specify what CT, DOFL, and FL pertains to my
search, then I will have returned to me one and only one record.

I already have such a query but with the relationships I've specified on my
original post, which are all one-to-many, but this query is not updateable,
hence any form based on this query is not updateable, and any forms base on
all these fields are not updateable because of constraints (for instance, the
error message on forms would be something like: [paraphrased] "this change
could not be made because .....does exist in...." . Or another error: "this
change could not be made because it would create duplicate keys in..."

All these field are information about items. I need to make forms to
update/add information about these items into all of these fields.

Can you help?

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