I am comparing data from 2008 and 2009 but want to ensure I am not comparing
apples & oranges. I am hoping some one can help me.
10 projects total
8 projects done correctly
1 project done partially correct
1 project done wrong
80% done correctly
10% done partially correct
10% done wrong
13 projects total
12 projects done correctly
1 project done partially correct
1 project done wrong
92.3% done correctly
7.7% done partially correct
7.7% done wrong
Question: am I comparing apples to apples when I say 7.7% were done
incorrectly in 2008 and 10% were done incorrectly in 2009? I think the total
number of projects is skewing my data and some how I should normalize/equate
the total before doing a percentage check. What do you think?
I am also doing the same review dollar-wise and doing it dollar-wise shows
things were better in 2009 as compared to 2008. Do I need to do something
with the dollars also to make the dollars from one year to the next be equal,
or just the quantity needs to be equal? Or, not at all?
I am comparing data from 2008 and 2009 but want to ensure I am not comparing
apples & oranges. I am hoping some one can help me.
10 projects total
8 projects done correctly
1 project done partially correct
1 project done wrong
80% done correctly
10% done partially correct
10% done wrong
13 projects total
12 projects done correctly
1 project done partially correct
1 project done wrong
92.3% done correctly
7.7% done partially correct
7.7% done wrong
Question: am I comparing apples to apples when I say 7.7% were done
incorrectly in 2008 and 10% were done incorrectly in 2009? I think the total
number of projects is skewing my data and some how I should normalize/equate
the total before doing a percentage check. What do you think?
I am also doing the same review dollar-wise and doing it dollar-wise shows
things were better in 2009 as compared to 2008. Do I need to do something
with the dollars also to make the dollars from one year to the next be equal,
or just the quantity needs to be equal? Or, not at all?