I have a table [Orders Special Products Details] with fields: OrderID,
ProductID, SpecialOrderID, UnitPrice, Quantity, Discount, GiftMessage,
ShipDate1, ShipDate2 - ShipDate12. Items can be shipped 3x, 6x, 9x or
12x per year (which is why I created 12 ShipDate fields). The table is
related to the [Orders] table, the [SpecialProduct]table. I now realize
having all of the ShipDate fields makes my table a mess. I need to
break it down further but am not sure how. I tried creating a table
[ttblSpecialOrderShipping] with the fields OrderID, SpecialOrderID, and
ShipDate. However, when I try to query bringing info from the three
tables together I can't. Any suggestions or guidance?
ProductID, SpecialOrderID, UnitPrice, Quantity, Discount, GiftMessage,
ShipDate1, ShipDate2 - ShipDate12. Items can be shipped 3x, 6x, 9x or
12x per year (which is why I created 12 ShipDate fields). The table is
related to the [Orders] table, the [SpecialProduct]table. I now realize
having all of the ShipDate fields makes my table a mess. I need to
break it down further but am not sure how. I tried creating a table
[ttblSpecialOrderShipping] with the fields OrderID, SpecialOrderID, and
ShipDate. However, when I try to query bringing info from the three
tables together I can't. Any suggestions or guidance?