NorthWind Database: Order Details Table



I am perplexed: When I went to the Design View of the Order Details Table, I
found 5 variables: OrderID, ProductID, UnitPrice, Quantity, and Discount.
But, when I went to the Datasheet view of the same table, the ProductID was
replaced with Product Name. How did they do it? I want to be able to do
exactly the similar thing but don't know how to do it.
Would any MVP or somebody with a thorough understanding of this trick help
me understand it? I tender my appreciation and regards in anticipation.

Duane Hookom

I never do this since I find it confusing. I want to see actual field names
when viewing tables. For all users, I create forms where I can use any
caption I want in label controls.

However, you can change the caption property in the table design. I think
the only value of this might be in applying an appropriate caption property
to labels when building forms and reports.

IMHO, don't set these properties of fields in table design
- Input Mask
- Format
- Lookup
- Caption
- displayed decimal places

a a r o n . k e m p f

I just think that was probably the stupidest answer ever.

The field has a CAPTION on it.
If you were just using SQL Server; it would be _QUITE_ easy to remove
all of these captions in one simple SQL Statement.
Jet just doesn't have this functionality.

When your database is too tired or worn out to 'keep it up' then move
to SQL Server.


a a r o n . k e m p f

I'm just not positive that I agree with this.

It's _FINE_ to use captions. You just can remove that one caption if
you want.
That doesn't mean you need to remove all of them.

If you _DID_ want to remove all of those captions; it would be quite
easy.. if you had just followed 'Microsoft Access Best Practices' and
moved to Access Data Projects. Again- you could run a simple query in
dtproperties table I think.. and delete that stuff without any trouble
at all.




No, they are NOT using the caption to display the PRODUCT NAME. A CAPTION
only shows at the column header it has NOTHING to do with the data within the
Column. Sheesh - Given your "experience" with Access you should know that

Bob Larson
Access World Forums Super Moderator
Utter Access VIP
Tutorials at


Tom Wickerath


Talk about the dumbest answer....that would be your reply to this post. And
you claim that you know Access like the back of your hand? BS. FYI, both
ruralguy and Bob Larson posted the correct answers. You don't know Access. No
wonder you complain all the time about how much trouble you've had in the
past with your JET databases.

Shaukat is seeing the effect of a Lookup defined at the table level. Here is
a Microsoft Knowledge Base article that shows you how to do this:

How to add lookup fields in a Microsoft Access table

However, as others have already pointed out, you may want to reconsider
implementing lookup fields defined at the table or query level for the
reasons given in the 2nd Commandment of Access:

The Ten Commandments of Access

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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