Northwind Order Sample sync subs



I am trying to sync 2 subforms like the Customer Orders from the Northwind
to use with my database. But it does not work.

Subform1 - which should be like Orders Subform1
Source Object: sFrmContractorJobs

Linked childsField: JobID

Linked ParentField: JobID - to Main Form: FrmSales

This form has a combobox ContractorID from which the current contractor is
selected. The contractorID links to the second form. During the bid period
the contractors keep changing and all contractors are listed. With the
second subform, I am trying to show for the contractor clicked Info, like
Address, Phone Etc


Source Object: SfrmContractorInfo

Linked childsField: ContractorID

Linked ParentField: [sfrmContractorJobs].Form![ContractorID]

Subform1 has only a Current Event where I had to change only one item

[Customer Orders Subform2] with the name of my subform2 which is

Sub Form_Current()

' This code created by Form Wizard.

Dim strParentDocName As String

On Error Resume Next

strParentDocName = Me.Parent.Name

If Err <> 0 Then

GoTo Form_Current_Exit


On Error GoTo Form_Current_Err


End If


Exit Sub


MsgBox Err.Description

Resume Form_Current_Exit

End Sub

I think I duplicated everything they way they had it, but there is one
difference, my order ID is a combobox not a text box.

Can someone figure out why this is not working?


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