Norton AntiSpam removal workaround for NIS2004 and Outlook (not for OE though)!!


Carol Haynes

Having just bought the upgrade to Norton Internet Security to v. 2004 (it
was cheaper than renewing my subscription) I am not a happy bunny. The whole
feel is much more laboured (the system seems much slower than with NIS2003
even though I have a fresh install of WindowsXP) plus they have added the
awful and pointless AntiSPAM !!

Unfortunately they do not have an option to omit AntiSpam from the
installation and it insists (even when disabled) in plonking a whole toolbar
on a new line into Outlook. It will only move or close on a per session

I had a scout around my system an found the following file:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\Antispam\MsouPlug.dll

which is the Outlook Plugin used by Norton AntiSpam to load in the
application. By renaming this file it no longer loads and doesn't seem to
have any consequences on NIS2004 loading or running properly.

This is not true for the file:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\Antispam\asOEHook.dll

which is the file used to load it into Outlook Express. If you rename this
one you get an error during startup complaining that an essential file is
missing. It doesn't seem to affect functionality of NIS2004 but it is
irritating at every start up.

I suspect it was hard coded to load because Symantec know OE is present on
every windows machine whereas Outlook is a separate bought app.

So for Outlook my advice is to dump Norton AntiSpam and stick with the
"POPfile and Outclass" combo which works really well, or alternatively use

Hope this helps

Carol Haynes
PS. When did Symantec stop providing free support? I am not paying 18(UKP)
per call to ask how to remove a piece of bug ridden rubbish from my system!


Thank you so much Carol <g>. I've followed your instructions for
Outlook and no more errors - plus Outlook loads so much faster. Have
you let Symantec know you've found a work around?

Carol Haynes

Thank you so much Carol <g>. I've followed your instructions for
Outlook and no more errors - plus Outlook loads so much faster. Have
you let Symantec know you've found a work around?

No because I am having enough problems with NIS2004 !! Sudden increases to
30-45% CPU usage after being up and running for a few hours, numerous
reinstalls because file certificates become invalid and subscription
problems. I wish I had stayed with NIS2003 and just updated my subscription,
but now I have bought two copies - strangely they have attachged both to the
same subscription account so that may be an advantage come next year when I
update my subs!

Support told me 30% CPU usage for auto-protect was normal !! When I pointed
out my system spec, and that it doesn't happen all the time and never in the
3 previous versions they relented and are now investigating the issue.

I did mention the problem of NAS constantly loading its toolbar to Symantec
Support, even when disabled, and they expressed surprise - obviously no one
has checked it, and they certainly didn't offer a workaround. I then
suggested in a future LiveUpdate providing the option to disable toolbars
and that was said to be unlikely! So much for customer support.



Whatever you do don't try & uninstall NIS 2004. I did to try & get
rid of the antispam problem - bbiiiiggg mistake. Took down the XP
help & support and the search facility. Tried all the suggestions to
get them up & running, but had to resort to a re-instal - couldn't get
XP to just repair (perhaps because I'm running Home version). Took me
2 evenings to get my computer up & running again - not funny.

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