Not a question (for once!)



Just passing this on for other possible newbies who migth be missing it.

I'd been trying to print tent notecards (Publisher 2000) and they weren't
coming out even. I had them set up (with the basic- blank setup) but the
picture would come out small, and/or one side of the paper (margin) would be
a little bigger. I had it set up using full size paper (11" X 8") landscape
setting, and it prints 2 of the same card per page. Then this is cut down
the middle with a paper cutter.

I thought I was covering it all, bringing up page setup, print setup,
the options my printer has. If I set the picture bigger it only printed ONE
to a page (in the middle) etc.

I worked pretty intensely on this for a few days (also setting up
pictures, printing them at various sizes and settings and file formats- I'd
heard jpg isn't good to print with, but it seemed to be exactly the same as
other file formats to me)

I was going over the toolbar up top and found "arrange" and a place
to set the margins. I put them on .05 on all sides, this made the guidelines
on the card (front) bigger. When I put the picture on I just pulled it a bit
to that size, and it prints PERFECLY. With the same margin all around, and
even in the middle when I cut the cards in half (with a paper cutter)

I realize this seems simple to people who know this, who have done
tutorials, or training, or maybe been doing it for years, and now it seems
so obvious to me. I was missing it, looking at the page/print/printer sets
up and not realizing it could be (easily) set up in the program.

Just thought I'd pass this on, maybe too for anyone who has a problem
with sizes and getting the picture the size they want and margins, etc. who
puts this in search at some point. Maybe also the idea that the answer might
be very simple and right in front of you. I may have even read it here, but
somehow didn't connect it or thought the printer and other set ups
superceded the program.

Also, I've been aiming at posting something here that isn't a question
(LOL) At some point I might even be able to start answering them. At least
the simple ones.

I'm still not pleased with how the colors print. I'm using plain
cardstock (from Staples) without any gloss (just whatever coating is on it
anyway) and the colors seem to sink in and seem dull and not bright. Don't
know if it's the paper or printer (or both). I can't find much detailed info
about printing cards, but I'm learning a lot in the process of finding it
out (and asking here) and I'm SO psyched when I get something to work. I
could do this all my waking hours (and sometimes do)

~ Carrie

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