? - not a valid bookmark


bryan reynolds

we have been getting this message of late - "not a valid bookmark"
Access 2k databases stored on a novel server or locally
data is replaced with #value
not able to do a complete repair

tia - bryan


I've managed to fix this on my Access97 databases. If you've got any
autonumber fields, it may not work as well or mess up what the next number

Here are some excerpts from my notes the last time it happened...
the last part of the error was 'not a valid bookmark'
ok, i found the #error record in the file. now, how did i get rid of it
last time? i can't just delete it.
had people get out while i fix.
copy to excel. will give lots of bad bookmark errors, but ok past them. in
excel, delete the #error records.
copy table, but not data, and import data into it.
at this point, everyone needs to get out.
rename the old table to something, and then rename the new table to the
original name.
if it is the encounter table (like today), the autonumber will be messed up,
but compacting the database will fix that. if it gives some grief about the
table being locked, log off and reset the pc and that should clear out the
i still need to find and fix the bad records, but i can do that with people

Hope that helps!

Tony Toews

bryan reynolds said:
we have been getting this message of late - "not a valid bookmark"
Access 2k databases stored on a novel server or locally
data is replaced with #value
not able to do a complete repair

Sign of corruption. This can be related to the Novell client
version on your systems. There is a Novell Netware page at the below

For more information on corruption including a more links, official MS
KB articles and a list of vendors who state they can fix corruption
see http://www.granite.ab.ca/access/corruptmdbs.htm

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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