Not a Valid Password Error



I am currently using MS Access 2003. I have a Make Table Query that pulls
information from other queries and then appends that information to a table.
When I try to open or run the query, I get the following error message "Not a
valid password". When I try to go to the design view I am taken to the SQL

Help Please!!!

Van T. Dinh

Are you using a single MDB for both GUI and data?

If you use separate Front-End (GUI) and Back-End (data), is the Back-End a
JET / Access file or some other database engine? Either way, you will need
to check the password / access to the Back-End.


Yes, I am using a single MDB for both. I'm not sure about the Back-End
Jet/Access file. Several of the tables in the DB are linked to queries out
of J.D. Edwards. How do I check that?

Van T. Dinh

I am not sure of your answer ...

I think you only use the MDB for the GUI but the main Back-End/data is on
Oracle server. It sounds to me that you have some linked Tables in your MDB
file and the source Tables are actually from Oracle's JD Edwards

If this is the case, you are likely to link these Tables through DSN (Data
Source Name) using the Oracle ODBC driver to the Oracle Back-End database.
You will need to check the DSN and enter the (Oracle) UserName / Password in
the DSN.

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